Explore The Technology You Can Incorporate In Your Next Fire Sprinkler System Upgrades

Installing effective systems that suppress fires is an essential step in protecting buildings and their occupants from the devastating effects of disastrous outbreaks. As technology advances, so do the capabilities of suppression systems. Upgrades to these systems can provide enhanced protection, greater reliability, and improved functionality. However, understanding the technology behind these upgrades can be challenging for those who are not familiar with such protection systems. This post breaks down the technology behind fire sprinkler system upgrades and explains what you need to know to ensure your building is adequately protected.

Smart Sprinkler Heads

The fitting of smart heads in sprinklers is a new development that came as a game changer in fire suppression system technology. Manufacturers equip these heads with advanced sensors that can detect the temperature of the surrounding area. They are programmed to activate only when the temperature reaches a certain threshold, reducing the risk of accidental activation. Additionally, smart sprinkling device heads can be controlled remotely, allowing building owners to monitor and adjust their sprinkling systems from anywhere.

Improved Water Pressure and Flow

Older suppression systems may have inadequate water pressure and flow. Reduced pressure makes them less effective in controlling fires in case of outbreaks. Luckily, our upgrades can include improvements in water pressure and flow, ensuring that the sprinkling device can quickly and effectively suppress fires. This intervention is important in high-rise buildings, where water pressure can be lower on upper floors.

Alternative Suppressants

While water is still the most common inferno suppressant used in suppression systems, alternative suppressants are being developed and implemented in certain situations. Some of the alternatives we can try when upgrading your equipment include gases or chemicals that are less harmful to the environment and less damaging to property. Work with established fire sprinkler system contractors to help you install alternative suppressants, depending on the specific needs of your building or location.

Remote Monitoring and Control

We have advanced sprinkling systems equipped with remote monitoring and control capabilities. These models allow you to access your sprinklers from anywhere. We recommend this technology as it allows for real-time monitoring of the overall device performance and can quickly alert you to any issues or potential problems. Additionally, remote control capabilities can for adjustments even after fire sprinkler system repair. Remote control also enables you to turn off the alerts in the event of a false alarm.